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网址  2022-07-19  作者:admin    阅读:

Main contents of construction project settlement audit
建设工程结算审核是在施工图的基础上结合合同、招投标书、补充协议、会议纪要以及地质勘察资料、工程变更签证、隐蔽工程验收记录等资料,按照相关的文件规定计量规则进行计算审核。主要以合同审核、工程量计算是否正确、单价扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具  保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训的套用是否合理、费用的计取是否准确三方面为重点。工程合同审核首先要核对工程内容是否已按合同要求全部完成,审核人员需到现场实际勘查复核检测。其次,审核依据合同约定的结算方式、取费标准、材料价格调整方式和优惠条款等,对工程竣工结算进行审核。工程量是结算的基础,它的准确与否直接影响结算的准确性,工程量审核的依据是竣工图纸、设计变更及现场签证等资料,并依据计量规则准确计算工程量,避免重复。
The settlement audit of construction project is based on the construction drawing, combined with the contract, bidding document, supplementary agreement, meeting minutes, geological survey data, engineering change visa, concealed works acceptance record and other data, and calculated and reviewed according to the measurement rules specified in relevant documents. It mainly focuses on contract review, whether the calculation of quantities is correct, whether the application of unit price is reasonable and whether the calculation of expenses is accurate. The audit of the project contract shall first check whether the project content has been completed according to the contract requirements, and the auditors shall go to the site for actual investigation, review and testing. Secondly, audit the project completion settlement according to the settlement method, charging standard, material price adjustment method and preferential terms agreed in the contract. The work quantity is the basis of settlement, and its accuracy directly affects the accuracy of settlement. The review of work quantity is based on as built drawings, design changes, on-site visa and other data, and the work quantity is accurately calculated according to the measurement rules to avoid duplication.


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