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网址  2022-06-29  作者:admin    阅读:

What is engineering geological exploration
工程地质勘察是为查明影响工程建筑物的地质因素而进行的地质调查研究工作。所需勘察的地质因素包括地质结构或地质构造:地貌、水文地质条件、土和岩石的物理力学性质,自然(物理)地质现象和天然建筑材料等。这些通常称为工程地质条件。查明工程地质条件后,需根据设计建筑物的结构和运行特点,预测工程建筑物与地质环境相互作用(即工程地质井盖钢模具 U型槽模具 天津水处理设备 检查井钢模具 保定公司注册 u型槽模具 流水槽模具 作用)的方式、特点和规模,并作出正确的评价,为确定保证建筑物稳定与正常使用的防护措施提供依据。
Engineering geological survey is a geological survey and research work to find out the geological factors affecting engineering buildings. The geological factors to be investigated include geological structure or geological structure: landform, hydrogeological conditions, physical and mechanical properties of soil and rock, natural (physical) geological phenomena and natural building materials. These are often referred to as engineering geological conditions. After finding out the engineering geological conditions, it is necessary to predict the mode, characteristics and scale of the interaction between the engineering building and the geological environment (i.e. engineering geological process) according to the structure and operation characteristics of the designed building, and make a correct evaluation, so as to provide a basis for determining the protective measures to ensure the stability and normal use of the building.


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