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网址  2022-01-06  作者:admin    阅读:

"Basic decoration" is different from "personalized decoration", which meets the individual needs of the owner through the modification of wall, the decoration of ceiling space and the production of decorative wall and other additional projects, and is not a "basic decoration" project. What is basic decoration?
1. Hydropower project
Water and electricity decoration includes the installation and laying of all water circuits and gas circuits. The materials include strong and weak wires, water pipes, gas pipes, threading pipes, bottom boxes and locks.
2. Mud tile works
泥瓦工程包含客厅、卫生间、厨房、阳聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛 台墙砖地砖的铺设,卧室地面的找平处理,卫生间回填及厨卫防水,厨卫包管。材料包含水泥、河沙、防水涂料。
The mud tile project includes the laying of wall and floor tiles in the living room, bathroom, kitchen and balcony, the leveling treatment of the bedroom floor, the backfilling of the bathroom and the waterproof of the kitchen and bathroom, and the guarantee of the kitchen and bathroom. The materials include cement, river sand and waterproof coating.
3. Wall decoration
Wall and top painting works include scraping, leveling, polishing and painting emulsion paint on the top of the wall. Materials include putty powder, glue, primer and finish.


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